Having a clean home is known to reduce stress, improve health, increase productivity and build self esteem. A good spring clean will help to significantly reduce the amount of dust in your home.
Once you’ve cleared the clutter from each room experts recommend you clean the whole house rather than tackling one room at the time, starting at the top and working your way down. Once you’ve got your cleaning supplies organized it’s time to get to work.
Why is dust the culprit?
Dust is made up of pet dander, pollen, dead skin cells, and other allergens. Dust not only reduces the lifespan of your furniture but it can attract mold and mildew growth. It can also lead to unpleasant odors and a worn appearance in upholstered furniture. Dust also attracts pests like mites, which can cause allergic reactions in some people.
It’s not just about dusting…
🌼Keeping your windows closed to help keep out pollen as flowers start to blossom can help keep dust levels lower.
🌼Place door mats in front of all your doors that lead to the outside. If you already have them, give them a wash.
🌼Now is the time to vacuum under the furniture, and pull it out from the walls. Give your mattress a once over too.
🌼Washing your duvets, comforters, mattress covers & pillows also help keep dust at bay.
🌼Don’t forget light fixtures and blinds.
🌼Now’s the time to replace furnace filters.
Now that your house is spike and span, it’s time to head outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.
For more about getting your home ready for the warmer weather visit our blogs: (the blogs will be hyperlinked)
Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks
Spring Maintenance Checklist
Prepping Your Garden For Spring

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